


linguistic discipline; creativity; creative speech; creativity; context; speech activity


Summary. Introduction. The content of each linguistic discipline, provided for by educational programs for both the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education, is aimed at the development of a creative personality, who has the skills to express thoughts naturally and in an argumentative manner, using various means of the native language and its expressive wealth, that is, to communicate freely in any life situation. The process of forming speech creativity during the study of language disciplines represents a certain system, the components of which are sets of interconnected creative opportunities, creative processes, the level of developed individual creative abilities and personality traits that implement creative activity, which can be changed, stimulated and directed towards a certain goal.

Analysis  of  publications. The role of individual disciplines of the linguistic cycle in the formation of a speech personality is the subject of research by many researchers: I. Kravtsova highlights the significance of the subject «Fundamentals of Culture and Techniques of Speech»; G. Kuznetsova – «Culture of Scientific Language»; L. Moroz –Rekotova  – «Culture of Speech and Expressive Reading», N. Yanchuk – «Modern Ukrainian Language»; issues of business speech are revealed by P. Dudyk, S. Yermolenko, T. Kots General aspects of the role of linguistic disciplines were highlighted by V. Goncharuk, V. Melnychayko, Matsko L., Navalna N., Semenog O., Symonenko T., Shulzhuk N., and others. The development of creative speech of future primary school teachers in the process of language training is emphasized in the studies of Yu. Bondar, O. Danylyuk, K. Klymova, I. Polyakova, M. Rogachko – Ostrovska, and others.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the role of linguistic disciplines in the development of speech creativity of future primary school teachers.

Methods.  The  methods  of  analysis,  synthesis,  comparison and abstraction are used in the article.

Results. In the process of students' speech activity in lectures and practical classes of linguistic disciplines, the experience of creative speech is formed; the student from a passive «receiver of knowledge becomes an active subject of cognition». He will introduce the accumulated experience in future pedagogical activity: he will help master the processes and forms of creative thinking, overcoming difficulties from the simplest elements of cognition  – the ability to see an object, determine its features, compare several linguistic phenomena, make generalizations to the completed task, etc., to the most complex  – the ability to realize reality in the connections and relationships developed by the centuries – old experience of mankind; he will develop imagination as the basis of creative and speech activity; will embody in words, in coherent speech their knowledge, observations, feelings, thoughts, using the vocabulary of the language and communicate freely in the Ukrainian language.

Conclusions. For the development of speech creativity of future primary school teachers, a major role is played by teaching the disciplines of the linguistic cycle, which involves creative and research work on texts of all styles and conducting an analysis of both speech phenomena and speech units; characterizing speech and speech forms of specific contexts; producing texts of various types; performing creative tasks, the unambiguous solution of which requires students to find several possible options, discuss variable methods of performing exercises; organizing problem and discussion situations, constructive dialogue, interpersonal relationships, etc. – all this contributes to the development of creative thinking and creative speech, in general, a creative approach to the process of speech activity itself.


Author Biographies

  • Tamara SHEVCHUK, Rivne State University for the Humanities

    Ph.D in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education

  • Tatiana KOSTOLOVYCH, Rivne State University for the Humanities

    Ph.D in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education



How to Cite

THE ROLE OF LINGUISTIC DISCIPLINES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH CREATIVITY OF FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 4, 97-102.