


information and communication technologies; management activity; head of an educational institution; educational process; informatization of the educational process


Introduction. In the context of global transformational processes taking place in the education system of Ukraine, the importance of effective use of of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the management activities of of heads of educational institutions. This is due to the need to improve the quality of of management decisions, optimization of staff performance and acceleration of and accelerate document flow. At the same time, an analysis of current practice shows that the issues of  the use of ICTs in the work of heads of educational institutions is still insufficiently  studied and require deeper research.

The article outlines the main activities of a head in the field of education and the peculiarities of using ICT in each of them. The author identifies Internet technologies that are important in teaching and upbringing of students and presents the advantages of the educational process.

The author presents the peculiarities of using infographics at the personal level, at the level of communication with colleagues, partners, and management. The main directions of application of information and communication technologies at school are determined, the basis for the development of ICT and the creation of information space in the educational sphere is characterized.

Results. The identifies the key areas of ICT use in the work of heads of educational institutions, including: information and analytical activities, planning and forecasting, organization of document flow, communication with participants in the educational process, staff development, etc. It has been established that the use of ICTs contributes to increasing the efficiency, objectivity and validity of management decisions, as well as ensures the effectiveness of management of the educational institution in general.

Originality. The main directions of ICT use in the management activities of heads of educational institutions and their impact on management efficiency are identified and substantiated. A model of ICT application in the management activities of heads of educational institutions has been developed, which includes target, content, organizational, technological and effective components.

Conclusion. The study has led to the conclusion that the effective use of ICT in the management activities of heads of educational institutions is an important factor in improving the quality of management. The author proposes specific recommendations for improving the process of introducing ICTs into the management activities of heads of educational institutions, in particular by forming the ICT competence of managers, updating the material and technical base and creating a favorable information and educational environment in educational institutions.

Author Biography

  • Denys DEREVIANKO, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

    Ph.D in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Department



How to Cite

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE WORK OF THE HEAD OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 2, 80-86.