


innovative activity; innovative competence; professional training of agronomy specialists; innovative competence of future specialists in the agrarian industry; methodological approaches to the formation of innovative competence; agrarian institutions of higher education


Summary. Introduction. The agricultural sector of the economy during the existence of Ukraine as an independent state was and remains a strategic direction of state policy. Effective management in the agricultural sector requires the use of high-tech material and technical support, the latest achievements of science and technology, and modern technologies in the educational process of agricultural higher education institutions. The combination of thorough theoretical and high-quality professional training of future specialists in agronomy connected with their acquisition of the skills of quick and appropriate response to any possible changes in the technological process, prediction and development of the ways to solve technological problems is one of the key tasks of graduate professional education of students in agricultural profile. The training of highly qualified future agronomists who meet modern requirements and are able to effectively solve complex production problems is the main task of higher professional education. In this regard, there is a need to create a new innovative system of training future specialists in the agro-industrial sphere in institutions of higher education, since the agricultural sector of the state with its basic infrastructure as a component of agriculture is a system-forming factor of the national economy, a guarantee of the preservation of food, environmental, and energy security of the state, and also contributes to the development of technologically related branches of the domestic economy and forms the socio-economic foundations of the development of rural areas.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the content and ways of forming innovative competences in students of agricultural higher education institutions.

Methods. Theoretical analysis of literature, grouping and systematization of collected material, comparison and contrast.

Results. The theoretical basis of forming the innovative competence among future specialists in agronomy is revealed. The essence of such concepts as “professional training”, “professional training of agronomy specialists”, “innovations”, “pedagogical innovations”, “innovative activity”, “innovative competence”, “innovative competence of future specialists in the agricultural sector”, “methodological approaches to the formation of innovative competence”, is clarified. The requirements for the innovative activity of higher education applicants specified in the standards of higher education, educational and professional training programs for future specialists in Major 201 “Agronomy” are described. The classes of educational disciplines are indicated in which the formation of innovative competence of future specialists in the agrarian industry is conducted in higher schools. The approaches directly related to the consideration of the content and structure of innovative competence are characterized in detail, namely functional, personal, cultural, and virtual ones. The possibilities of individual methodological approaches aimed at the effective formation of innovative competence of higher education applicants are revealed, in particular competence-based, personality-oriented and activity-based approaches. It was established that to form the innovative competence, it is necessary to apply modern innovative learning technologies, such as: structural and logical technologies, integration technologies, professional and business game technologies, training technologies, information and computer, dialogue technologies.

Conclusion. Therefore, the formation of innovative competence among future specialists in agronomy is a complex integration process in agricultural higher education institutions. The innovative approaches to professional training of students discussed in the article are aimed at improving the quality of education, expanding and deepening theoretical knowledge, assimilating practical experience, and preparing future specialists to build a successful career in the chosen area. Questions related to the method of applying technologies that will maximally contribute to the formation of innovative competence of future specialists in agronomy require further research.

Author Biography

  • Oleksiy ALEXANDROV, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

    graduate student at the Depertment of Educational and Sociocultural Management and Social Work



How to Cite

FORMATION OF INNOVATIVE COMPETENCE IN FUTURE AGRONOMY SPECIALISTS AS A SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 3, 88-96.