


methodology; methodological literacy; educational process methodology; postgraduate student of the first year of study


Summary. The article presents and analyzes the results of research on the development of methodological and teaching competencies of postgraduate students in the first year of study in the university environment.

The essence of the concept of "methodological competence" was considered and its content analysis was carried out in scientific sources, which made it possible to single out the main aspects of the formation of this phenomenon during the acquisition and use of knowledge within the specific discipline "Methodology of the pedagogical process in higher education".

It is emphasized that one of the main problems of the modern system of higher education is the contradiction between the growing amount of knowledge and the limitation in the period of study, which prompts scientists to search for constructive ways of solving this contradiction based on the methodologicalization of the educational process as a component of its fundamentalization.

The latter is based on mastering methodological literacy by graduate students in the first year of study, which serves as the basis of methodological culture not only for the organization of higher education, but also for researching the problems of higher education.

The essence of the methodology of science is revealed, which characterizes the components of scientific research, its object, subject, analysis of tasks, the set of research tools necessary for their solution, and also forms an idea about the sequence of movement of the researcher in the process of solving the problems.

Emphasis is placed on the fact that methodological training in education, where extremely rapid changes occur in all spheres of life, allows graduate students already in the first year of study to more or less freely, consciously and purposefully acquire new knowledge, incorporate it into the real image of the world, and change areas of application own knowledge, competences and, accordingly, more fully implement their own and public interests and be competitive in the labor market.

The purpose of the article is to determine effective ways of developing the methodological competence of graduate students, the first year of study in the university environment.

Conclusions. Development of a competency model, substantiation of the conceptual foundations of the professional training of the future doctor of philosophy, based on the provision of specific learning effects, is the basis of the methodological platform for the professional training of post-graduate students.

The analysis of the modern labor market, pedeutological literature, and European documents in the field of education made it possible to single out the most popular educational programs aimed at achieving the effects of training in the use of the latest technologies, focused on problem solving, project implementation, and the introduction of the latest training techniques for graduate students of the first year of study.

Prospective are searches related to the development of theoretical and practical foundations for the implementation of European educational initiatives and trends in the training of specialists in higher educational institutions with the study of psychological and pedagogical conditions of competence-based learning, the creation of educational and methodological support for the professional training of graduate students, future doctors of philosophy at based on specific learning effects.

Author Biography

  • Lilia NICHUGOVSKA, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

    Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education



How to Cite

DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGICAL COMPETENCE OF GRADUATE STUDENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 2, 38-43.