


geometric shapes, teaching mathematics, primary school teacher training


Summary. Introduction. The article deals with the problem of organizing the teaching of geometric figures to future primary school teachers. The study of this topic is a key aspect of the formation of professional competence of future teachers. The purpose of the study is to analyze the methods of teaching geometry used in the training of future teachers and to offer recommendations for their improvement. Theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, including the development of teaching materials, are considered. Modern approaches to teaching geometry that take into account pedagogical technologies and innovations in education are analyzed.

The purpose. The study of different methods and approaches to organizing geometry teaching for future primary school teachers. Particular attention will be paid to practical tasks and real-life examples of applying geometric knowledge

The methods analysis and synthesis of scientific, pedagogical, methodological sources in order to identify the state of development of the problem; generalization of pedagogical experience in methods of teaching mathematics; systematization and systematization and generalization to formulate conclusions.

Results. The organization of teaching geometric shapes to future primary school teachers should include both theoretical and practical aspects. Students should learn not only to identify geometric shapes and study their properties, but also to develop teaching methods that will be accessible and engaging for primary school students.

Originality. The relevance of the study of the organization of studying geometric shapes by future primary school teachers is due to the need to create correct ideas in younger students about volumetric and flat shapes, and for this purpose, the future primary school teacher needs to have a thorough knowledge of the elements of geometry in space and on the plane.

Conclusion. The study of geometric shapes in the process of mathematical training of future primary school teachers is important for their professional competence. The study of geometric shapes not only enriches students' knowledge of shapes and their properties, but also provides them with the necessary skills to effectively teach the elements of geometry to primary school students.

Author Biographies

  • Katerina IVANOVA, Pokrovsk city council of Donetsk region

    Ph.D in Pedagogy, teacher of mathematics at the secondary school

  • Oksana LIBA, Mukachevo State University

    Ph.D in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
    Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education



How to Cite

ORGANIZATION OF TEACHING ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY FOR FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 2, 94-99.