



edutainment; chemical training; motivation; information technology; game technology; educational enter-tainment


Introduction. Modern education in Ukraine faces the challenge of insufficient motivation of students to study chemistry, as a result of which traditional teaching methods are not always effective. In this regard, there is a need to use innovative methods, in particular edutainment technology, in chemistry lessons to increase motivation and efficiency in learning the material. The article aims to analyze the experience of introducing forms of edutainment and game technologies in teaching chemistry, focusing on their effectiveness in improving the assimilation of the material, increasing students' interest in the subject, and developing critical thinking.

Methods. The main research methods used in the work: theoretical (analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, analysis of information and computer technologies on the use of "edutainment" technology in the educational process); empirical (survey of teachers of general secondary education institutions of Cherkasy); statistical (comparative methods, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the questionnaire).

Results. Key components and tools that can be used for the successful implementation of edutainment are highlighted. The results of a survey among teachers on the awareness of chemistry teachers about game teaching methods and the introduction of edutainment in the educational process indicate that multimedia tools for visualizing educational material are widely used in chemistry lessons in all studied educational institutions. Hackathons and game discussions are used in chemistry lessons only in a few schools, but their prospects in the educational process are noted and the need for teachers to pay attention to them is indicated. The study of scientific literature proves that exciting educational material can be a powerful educational tool, promoting communication, and knowledge exchange and stimulating students' motivation for learning and self-development.

Originality. The scientific novelty of the research is the introduction of the concept of edutainment into the educational process in chemistry. This is an innovative approach, as chemistry is often perceived as a complex subject, and using elements of entertainment can make it easier to learn and make learning more fun. The authors focus on the use of game technologies to improve the process of teaching chemistry. This opens up new possibilities for creating interactive learning environments that ensure students' active participation and stimulate their interest in the subject.

Conclusion. From the conducted research it is shown that the introduction of game practices in teaching chemistry in Cherkasy schools can be successful through the active implementation of innovative game pedagogical practices through the organization of methodological events and conferences, the creation of a creative educational and cultural space for the development of new forms of game learning with the assistance of the university, the systematic popularization and dissemination of innovative game technologies among chemistry teachers, the involvement of teachers in joint development educational materials that use the principles of game-based learning. These activities will contribute to the spread of edutainment in the educational community and attract more teachers to use it.

Author Biographies

  • Yulia SHAFOROST, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

    Phd in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Nanomaterials

  • Olena LUT, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

    PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Nanomaterials

  • Iryna SHMYHOL, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

    PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Cell Biology and Methods of Teaching Biological Disciplines





Середня освіта (за предметними спеціальностями)

How to Cite

LEARNING THROUGH ENTERTAINMENT: INTEGRATION OF EDUTAINMENT AND GAME TECHNOLOGIES IN THE LEARNING PROCESS OF CHEMISTRY. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 1, 183-190. https://doi.org/10.31651/2524-2660-2024-1-183-190