


innovation; innovative activity; barriers to implementing innovative activity; teacher of general secondary education institutions


The article contains an analysis of the researches of modern domestic scientists regarding the obstacles to the implementation of innovations in pedagogical activities. The author offers her own definition of "barriers to the innovative activity of a teacher of general secondary education institutions", and also considers alternatives to this definition in the scientific discourse. Obstacles to the introduction of innovations can be divided into external and internal.

The first can include those caused by external factors, in particular, lack of time, uneven workload of teachers, opposition from management, lack of material incentives, etc. Barriers related to the teacher's personality and his willingness to implement innovative activities are included in the external barriers. Among them are insufficient motivation, methodological ignorance, negative previous experience, a conservative model of behavior in the team, etc. These barriers were analyzed by the author both on the basis of scientific sources and thanks to the results of an experiment conducted in the institution of general secondary education the Lyceum "Educator" in the city of Kyiv.

During the implementation of the training course "Innovative aspects of the teacher's activity", the obstacles that arise during the implementation of innovative elements in the teacher's work were investigated in detail. The article also provides strategic directions for eliminating obstacles to the implementation of new things in pedagogical activity (individual and collective). A number of systemic measures are proposed that contribute to overcoming barriers to innovative activity, using the example of the "Educator" lyceum in Kyiv. In particular, options for the motivational component (rewarding teachers, organization of additional training), assistance of the administrative team, interaction with other educational institutions, strategic planning sessions of the institution's activities taking into account the individual professional trajectory of the teacher were considered; monitoring the quality of implementation of innovative projects; maintaining a healthy microclimate in the team, etc.

Author Biography

  • Oksana OLIYNYK, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

    graduate student of the 3d year of study at the Doctoral School



How to Cite

BARRIERS TO INNOVATIVE TEACHER ACTIVITY AND WAYS TO OVERCOME THEM. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 1, 133-139.