


foreign languages study technologies, process of foreign languages study, higher education institution, stages of activity


The historical-pedagogical aspects of foreign languages study technologies at the Ukrainian higher educational establishments in 1991–2000 of the 20th century have been researched. The basic processes of foreign languages study at the Ukrainian higher school technologies formation and development of this period have been determined and characterized on the basis of scientific literature, documents and pedagogical analysis.

The basic theoretical approaches to the process of foreign languages study at Ukrainian higher school in 1991–2000 of the 20th century have been distinguished and analyzed: structural-functional, active, communicative, problematical, technological and personally oriented.

The meaning of the concept «foreign languages study technologies» has been revealed. It was denoted as successive rational embodiment in practice of planned beforehand complex of interactional principles, means, methods and ways of the prognosticated educational process.

Foreign languages study technologies have been improved by new scientific approaches, ideas and practical experience during all the investigated period.

The research has shown that conceptual ideas of foreign languages study process renewal which were worked out in 1991–2000 years became the basis of the functioning and development of the modern system of foreign languages study at higher school.

The purpose of the study is a retrospective analysis of the structure, features of the development and application of foreign language learning technologies in Ukrainian higher education institutions during 1991–2000 of the 20th century and the identification of trends in their development. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were defined: 1) to define the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the research problem; 2) to analyze the structure, content and educational and methodological support of foreign language learning technologies in higher education in Ukraine during 1991–2000 of the 20th century; 3) to study and justify modern trends in the development of technologies for learning foreign languages in higher education in Ukraine. 4) to determine effective foreign language learning technologies in the research period that can be adapted to the educational process of higher education institutions according to the requirements of the Bologna Convention. The object of the research is pedagogical theory and practice of foreign language learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine in the period from 1991 to 2000. The subject is the structure, features of the development and implementation of foreign language learning technologies in Ukrainian universities in 1991–2000 of the 20th century.

Methods. The main research method is the theoretical and methodological analysis of pedagogical heritage. The research methodology includes the study of literary sources, theoretical generalization and modeling of the educational process. In accordance with the historical-pedagogical research specifics, a retrospective analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the problems of organizing the foreign languages study in higher education and a historical approach to its consideration was used. The possibilities of analysis and synthesis, differentiation and integration, comparison and other methods of logical identification of features were applied. A structural-functional analysis was used to identify the scientific and methodological principles of teaching foreign languages, trends in technology development, and the process of implementing new developments into pedagogical practice.

The results. The literature analysis showed that the system of foreign languages teaching in modern system of higher education is developing on the achievements of previous years. Ukrainian scientists continue to develop new technologies for learning foreign languages, and in some aspects their achievements are quite significant.

Originality.The development of the foreign languages effective teaching of Ukrainian students at higher establisments in 1991–2000 years was analyzed. It has been proved that ensuring continuity between modern research in the development and implementation of new technologies for learning foreign languages and previous searches and achievements in this field is an important condition for progressive development of modern pedagogical technologies.

Conclusions. The analysis of foreign language teaching technologies at Ukrainian higher education establishments in the period from 1991 to 2000 showed that the development of effective modern innovative approaches to the study of foreign languages is impossible without a perfect knowledge of prehistory, scientific and pedagogical heritage, and historical assets in various fields of pedagogical knowledge.

Author Biography

  • Hanna KARLOVSKA, Cherkasy State Technological University

    Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication



How to Cite

IMPROVEMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING TECHNOLOGIES IN HIGH SCHOOLS OF UKRAINE (1991–2000). (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 1, 127-133.