



English; interactive work’s forms; everyday communication; training; professional communication; reproductive exercises; special text; the term; lawyer


Introduction. The article determines the views of Ukrainian scientists of the language training in English for law students. In modern teaching methods of future lawyers’ training, there is one predominate tendency of interconnected teaching of students. They must communicate so in everyday life as in the professional sphere. In the process of English language training of future specialists, there are some effective approaches. They are recognized as communicative, person-oriented, individual, and professionally-oriented approaches.

The purpose of the article is to identify the general principles of English language training of students of the Law Faculty. It is required to set the features of the educational students’ studying both in the courses of everyday communication and special language. It is necessary to pick up the distinction of the connection between the two disciplines. It is needed to use the effective ways of implementation of educational tasks in the process of mastering professional English.

The active methods are vocabulary work, making up dialogues of different types, playing back of situations. Students also analyze and process special texts. Besides, they turn to Internet resources. Law students interpret the reviewed stories on professional topics too.

Results. It is identified specific problems in the study of English in everyday communication and in professional language. To solve problems, students do differentiated tasks of varying degrees of complexity. It takes into account their level of language training.

Originality. English language training of future lawyers takes place with the principles of differentiation, continuity, succession, systematic. Along with reproductive exercises, interactive forms of work are used in the training process too.

Conclusion. The regular learning of English helps students in their professional studying. It is important to connect training in two spheres. There are English everyday communication and English professional direction. Such connection helps future specialists to form communication skills in the field of law. Students analyze problems which occur in professional activity. Such analysis will help them to solve real situations which come about in their working process.

Author Biography

  • Kateryna BABENKO, Classic Private University

    PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Department of Translation Theory and Practice



How to Cite

ENGLISH LANGUAGE TRAINING FOR LAW STUDENTS. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 1, 115-120. https://doi.org/10.31651/2524-2660-2024-1-115-120