



implementation; masters; research competence; integration; European Research Area; transnational education


Introduction. Ukrainian higher education master's degree seekers have significant potential in the field of scientific research. However, one of the effective strategies for improving and furthering the progressive development of their research competence could be the implementation of best European practices. To achieve this, it is necessary to identify the main obstacles and ways of implementing these practices in Ukrainian conditions in order to enhance the scientific activity and professional training of master's degree seekers.

The relevance of the research lies in the need to improve the system of preparing master's students at Ukrainian universities for scientific activity. The implementation of effective European practices can contribute to the quality of education, the training of highly qualified researchers, and the strengthening of ties between the Ukrainian and European scientific communities. The development of research competence among master's students is an important step in supporting the country's scientific potential and promoting innovative societal development.

Purpose . The aim of the article is to analyze and summarize European practices in developing research competence among master's students and to identify ways to successfully implement them in Ukrainian conditions.

Results. The internationalization of higher education in Ukraine is driven by a deliberate state policy towards European integration and higher education reform. It is emphasized that the implementation of European experience in developing research competence among master's students contributes to the improvement of the quality of domestic education by introducing modern European standards and practices into educational programs and teaching methods, as well as facilitates the recognition of Ukrainian diplomas and qualifications abroad, ensuring international recognition.

It has been clarified that integration into the European Higher Education Area opens up new opportunities for master's students and academics, including participation in international exchanges, mobility programs, and cooperation with European universities and research institutions. Such integration also strengthens scientific ties between Ukraine and European Union countries, fostering the exchange of knowledge, technologies, and innovations.

Originality. The scientific novelty of the topic lies in the study and systematization of European practices aimed at enhancing the level of scientific training of master's students, as well as in determining optimal strategies and methods for their successful implementation in Ukrainian conditions. The work proposes specific approaches to adapting European experience to the national higher education system in order to improve the quality of education and training of highly qualified researchers.

Conclusion. The research has established that the development of research competence among master's students is a priority task for Ukrainian higher education. Ukraine has a sufficient regulatory framework for cooperation in the scientific research sphere with the European Union.

Ukrainian educational policy is aimed at active integration into the global and European higher education and research spaces, with a primary focus on internationalization. The strategic goal of state educational policy is to deepen international cooperation with higher education institutions in Europe and around the world, increase the number of participants in international educational projects in regional and global organizations.

Author Biography

  • Alla MELNYK, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University

    graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy, professional education and management of educational institutions



How to Cite

WAYS TO IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPING RESEARCH COMPETENCE OF MASTER’S STUDENTS. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 1, 101-107. https://doi.org/10.31651/2524-2660-2024-1-101-107