


educational paradigms; methodological approaches; organization of specialist training; interdisciplinary approach; multidisciplinary approach; transdisciplinary approach; meta-disciplinary approach


This paper exposes the view on the phenomenology of paradigms within the system of professional education. Specifically, it is predicated on the assumption that the current system of education is characterized by transformational processes requiring the updating of conceptual, organizational and content fundamentals of vocational training for future specialists. The rationale of these processes may be regarded as ideological guides to educational activities determined by the emergence of new scholarly trends or innovative practices, unification of requirements for the training of University graduates’ in order to enhance their capability to function efficaciously when exposed to a real-life professional environment. In recent years, among the requirements to the trainees’ vocational preparation, there has appeared the foreground exigency of the quality of education. It necessitates the requisite identification of appropriate methodological guidelines of educational activities and corresponding research at the phenomenological level.

The goal of this study is to analyze current methodological approaches to major paradigms of vocational training within the system of University professional education.

Research methods employed: analysis of the phenomenology of paradigms, colligation and generalization of multiparadigmatic experiences in training specialists within the system of professional education.

Results. The conducted analysis of scientific sources and experimental study of paradigmatic organization of University educational activities allowed ascertaining that the training of specialists in distinct historical periods was based on exceptional methodological foundations, among which the acquisition of knowledge was typically prioritized, but in recent decades there has been a change in the value guides of educational activities. In particular, among the current methodological foundations, stand out interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and meta-disciplinary approaches, which serve as a basis for practice-oriented educational paradigms in training systems for students of different specialties.

Originality. This article provides explicit characteristics of how vocational instruction within the University educational system may be organized on a distinctive paradigmatic basis in order to meet the requirements to sought-for competences and professional standards, as well as social expectations of the quality of professional education. With this in mind, the value of paradigmatic plurality is emphasized in the prospects of its application in the University educational process to ensure the fulfillment of professional requirements and a real connection with scientific advancements.

Conclusion. Methodological reflection on the diversity of activity and semantic approaches to education that lay an axiological and target foundation for perceiving patterns of the paradigmatic construction of an educational reality in dialectical interaction with the competence requirements of professional standards and social expectations about the quality of education, makes it possible to improve the organizational and methodological support of professional training for higher education seekers.

Author Biographies

  • Yevhen LODATKO, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

    Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Work

  • Natalia LIBA, Mukachevo State University

    Doctor of Economic, Professor, Professor of the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Marketing

  • Stanislava PASIEKA, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

    Doctor of Economic, Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business



How to Cite

PHENOMENOLOGY OF PARADIGMS AS A SUBJECT OF METHODOLOGICAL REFLECTION WITHIN THE SYSTEM OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS. (2024). Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Series_«Pedagogical_Sciences», 1, 5-13.